The Kids Action Program, along with its prenatal program “Great Beginnings” is a community-based initiative supported by a non-profit board. The board has come together as the Kids Action Program. Our board consists of dedicated community members—to discover how you might participate as a committee or board member call 902-680-6172.
CAPC is a Health Canada initiative operating in every province and territory. It funds community-based organizations who then work with local participants to offer the types of programs identified by families with children aged 0 – 6 years. All our services are confidential. Like many other CAPC projects, we offer 4 types of programs.
- Family-focused programs… These provide opportunities for groups of parents and children to have fun together. Playgroups, drop-ins, day trips in the summer and family camping are good examples of family-focused programs
- Parent-focused programs… These centre on positive parenting and personal development. Parents form groups to learn about child development, child health and to share parenting tips and techniques. Secure attachment (connectedness) is weaved into all programs.
- Child-focused programs… These are story and play times where children spend time with other pre-school aged children. Through structured play and group activities these programs help children prepare for school. Mini-trips are also of- fered.
Programs have been created and/or of- fered through the input of many current and past participants. When something needs to change it can. The ideas, thoughts and suggestions of those involved are our most valuable asset. - Support, assistance navigating systems, transportation and referrals are provided as needed and as resources allow.